
臺北市私立立人國際國民中小學104 學年度第二學期
一. 開學日:105 年2 月15 日(星期一)全天上課。
二. 到校時間:國中小8:00 以前,請準時到校。
三. 放學時間:
國中部:七~九年級下午6:00 放學。
國小部:一~六年級,下午4:10 放學,家接時間4:20 至5:00,敬
請家長配合家接時間到校接回 貴子弟(請勿提早家接,
四. 服裝:一律穿著學校制服,戴帽子,頭髮按規定梳理整齊。
五. 攜帶物品:寒假作業(中、英文)、工作服、餐巾、餐具、清潔用
六. 午餐:一、二年級統一在學校用餐,三~九年級由學校代訂便當
七. 交通公司會於開學前電話與家長聯繫:開學前一週交通車到達時
八. 國中、國小、幼兒園課後班將於2/17(三)開始上課。
乙泰交通公司 聯絡電話:0937196633 江經理 2793-1187#162 高小姐
學務處生教組 聯絡電話:2738-1188#157 楊組長
地址:臺北市大安區安和路2 段99 號
電話:2738-1188 傳真:2735-3517
臺北市私立立人國際國民中小學 105.01.05


Lih-Jen International Private School K-9
Notifications for the 2016 Spring Semester
Starting Date:Monday, February 15th, 2016 (Full Day)
1. Arrival Time:Junior High, Elementary School – Before 8:00 a.m. Please
be punctual.
2. Dismissal Time:
A. Junior High:7th-9th3grade dismisses at 6:00 P.M.
B. Elementary School: Grades 1-6 dismiss at 4:10 p.m. Parents may
pick-up students from 4:20 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Please pick-up
students within the designated time and refrain from taking
students home early.
3. Dress Code: Regular school uniform with hat. Appearances must be neat.
4. Required items: Winter vacation homework (Chinese & English), apron,
table cloth, utensils, and cleaning supplies (rag, scrubber sponge).
Instruments(Grade 1&2: small harmonica; Grade 3&5: recorder; Grade
4&6: big harmonica; Junior High: Alto recorder. Elementary band
students need to bring their melodica)
5. Lunch: Grade 1 and 2 will eat the provided school lunch. The school lunch
is optional for students in Grades3-9. If a student decides to bring his/her
own lunch box, it needs to be brought to school in the morning for
steaming. Parents are requested to refrain from delivering lunch during
lunch time.
6. The school shuttle bus service will contact the parents before school
reconvenes to inform them of the estimated pick-up time. Please arrive
at the pick-up spot early to avoid any delays or missing the bus.
7. The Junior High, Elementary, and Kindergarten after school programs
start on February 17th, 2016.
8. Yi-Tai School Shuttle Bus Service Tel:
0937-196-633 (Mr. Chiang) or 2793-1187#162 (Ms. Kao)
C. Student Affairs Administrator Tel:27381188#157
D. Address:No.99, Sec. 2, Anhe Rd., Da-an District, Taipei City 10680,
E. Website:http://www.ljjhps.tp.edu.tw
F. Tel:27381188 Fax:27353517
Lih-Jen International Private School K-9