健康U.2學習單+作文/Health worksheet (U.2)+essay#1&2

*11/10 21:00前未交健康U.2學習單,0分計算/Your Health worksheet was not submitted before 21:00 on Nov. 10. Your score is ZERO.

*10/10前未交作文#1,0分計算/essay#1 was not submitted before Oct.10.  The score is ZERO: 4,716,21,26
 10/10前未交L.1課文罰寫,作文#1零分計算/You didn't copy text L.1.The score of Essay#1 is ZERO: 3,22

*11/10 15:30前未交作文#2學習單,已扣作文#2五分(作文#2如零分,扣態度分數5分)/You didn't submit your worksheet for essay#2 @ 15:30 on Nov.10. 5 points is deducted:
NO. 4,7,11,15,16,18,21,22,26