Web Title:107 學年度 English Teacher @Dong-Guang, Keelung 107 學年度 English Teacher @Dong-Guang, Keelung

[Event] Piñata for National Day of Taiwan

Main purpose is to Introduce Piñata to students.

Also celebrating National Day of Taiwan.


Piñata usually is made of paper, and filled with candies, cookies or small toy.

Crushing the Piñata is some kinds of celebration.

Originally, people play it in Mexico. But was brought to North America.




Picture Reference:

Cover of [Dino on the GO] - BOOK1

About Johnny

【Bachelor Degree】

國立臺灣師範大學工業教育學系室內設計組 National Taiwan Normal University Department of Industrial Education _ Interior Design

【Working Experience】

107學年度 基隆東光國小英巡教師 (深澳) 2018 Floating English Teacher @KLDGES, @KLSAES

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2017 加拿大打工度假 2017 International Experience Canada (Working Holidays)

102學年度 基隆工商職業學校廣設科實習老師 2013 Student Teacher @KLCIVS

【Interested in 】

網飛、咖啡、畫圖 Netflix, Coffee, Drawing

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2018 Halloween